Lauren Krimsky
Lauren Krimsky
11 September 2024
Fabulous current information about aspects of migraine that I never even realized pertained to me.
Angie K.
Angie K.
6 September 2024
I've been following the Migraine World Summit since 2023 and, along with advice of my neuro, it has given me valuable knowledge, information and tools to understand and manage migraine, which can be painfully debilitating. Thank you so much for your efforts and time! Your content (videos, interviews, articles, quizzes and other resources) is priceless.
Guillermo Egurrola Franco
Guillermo Egurrola Franco
31 August 2024
Migraine is a fascinating topic for me, and it is always of great interest to keep up to date with updates, experiences and advances in new drugs. Best regards.
(Translated by Google, see original)
mary alvarez fuertes
mary alvarez fuertes
26 August 2024
I have been a migraine sufferer for many years. Now I don't have any. I take Migradol and I retired one capsule a day. I'm doing very well. I like all the information about it. Thank you.
(Translated by Google, see original)
Joanne N.
Joanne N.
7 May 2024
Every year the summit provides comprehensive and multifaceted info that is practical, current and cutting edge. It has been a lifeline to be able to listen to experts from actress the globe. As a migraineur for nearly 40 years, it is exciting to learn about the progress in the past 10 years for treatments and research. I am so grateful!
Marie Lawlor
Marie Lawlor
21 April 2024
Migraine World Summit 2024 was very educational, and I learned more things to do for myself and/or to discuss with my doctor. I also learned about different types of migraine medications and how they work and affect us. I’m looking forward to next year’s Summit.
Emily Roark
Emily Roark
8 April 2024
The Summit was 1000% worth my time, especially as a free user! As a relatively new migraine sufferer who hadn't had much in the way of education about the condition, I received a priceless amount of information and, often, much needed validation and emotional support from each expert interview. I was even able to make an easy lifestyle change after leaning about the importance of nutrients like fiber and omega 3s in countering migraine, and my attack frequency has dramatically decreased! Thank you so much Paula and Carl, and every expert who shared their time and wisdom.
terry wilson
terry wilson
5 April 2024
I have attended one migraine summit series (last year). The presenters are all world class and Googleable. The information is presented in a way a layman like me can understand. I especially like the information on the new treatments. As a result of the Summit I specifically sought out a CGRP (Aimovig) and my quality of life, almost like a miracle, became better. Investing time in this undertaking is one of the best things a migraine suffer can do.
Beth J
Beth J
28 March 2024
Really useful interviews and helpful to have captions since some of the Americans are not easy to understand. Perhaps not as much new information as in previous years and it would be good to hear from other parts of the world. It’s called the World Summit but is very much US-centric. Given one of the organisers is Australian, it’s surprising there’s little from that continent, and nothing from Asia nor Africa. Nevertheless, everyone struggling with migraine should find something useful
Elizabeth Rattham
Elizabeth Rattham
28 March 2024
Every year I look forward to the Migraine World Summit, and every year I’m thrilled with the contents of the summit and standard of the experts involved, and of course the whole behind the scenes team, especially Paula and Carl. Thank you all!
Carrie Whitsett
Carrie Whitsett
27 March 2024
I am so grateful to everyone working on & advocating with the Migraine World Summit. A HUGE thank you also to all the doctors & specialist taking the time to share their knowledge & expertise. The neurological disease of migraines is a spectrum which requires a lot of different perspectives & advice. All of this information needs to get out to EVERYONE struggling- highly recommend to anyone unfamiliar to check out at any time of the year (they have recordings of past summit sessions!) This platform is well constructed, easy to navigate, and is so inclusive. Also, special thank you to Paula & Carl (speakers) who had not 1, but 2 recaps of this years Migraine World Summit. It was so kind to provide yet another outlet for participation. I learn something new at every summit to help battle my chronic migraines. Thank you all!
Christina Baker
Christina Baker
27 March 2024
The Migraine World Summit always has great panelists and a lot of really good information!
26 March 2024
This is such an incredible experience, the information is invaluable! Finding others like myself and being able to go to my doctor with information Is incredible! I am so grateful to have been a part of this incredible experience for three years now! Every year there’s more information, resources that make me feel empowered. I like being able to bring things to my doctors attention and seeing if they will work for me.
Peggy Moore
Peggy Moore
25 March 2024
The Migraine World Summit presents interviews with experts in their field in an easily accessible space for those of us suffering from migraine. I have learned from their interviews many new ways to explore therapies, things to discuss with my doctor, activities to help with prevention, and ways to understand migraine better. The lectures are offered free when presented and then at an affordable rate for download later. I have viewed some interviews again later or reviewed the accompanying transcript as a reference. The Migraine World Summit has been a great reference for me.
Vanessa De Zilva
Vanessa De Zilva
24 March 2024
I have been watching The Migraine World Summit for the past 3 years. It is by far the best place to get information on all the latest research and drugs for migraine disease. There is also a diversity of specialists talking about these topics. Watching the summit gives me hope and has given me more confidence to advocate for myself when talking to my doctor but also to friends and family . Thank you Migraine World Summit.
Jeanne Sengstock
Jeanne Sengstock
24 March 2024
Have listened to most of the Summit talks for three years now and it has made a world of difference in the treatments I have been able to discuss and try with my migraine doctor. I can advocate for myself with confidence, where I would have just suffered in silence before. I have more attack free days now than I have had for many years. Thank you so much to the World Migraine Summit!!!
Elisabeth Hægeland Reynolds
Elisabeth Hægeland Reynolds
23 March 2024
Incredibly good access to the best and latest in knowledge about migraine, treatment and prevention!
(Translated by Google, see original)
Jane Colwell
Jane Colwell
23 March 2024
This is a don't miss event if you suffer from migraine in any of its forms. I always learn a great deal of useful information about how to manage my symptoms, and treatment options to consider. Possibly most importantly, is to know there are people suffering the same way you are, that finally research is ongoing to identify new medications, other treatments to consider, and that those resources are available to you on an ongoing basis through the resource centre and presentation library.
Eileen Lumb
Eileen Lumb
23 March 2024
Appointments with your migraine provider are typically short and infrequent. The information I have gained from attending the last 5 MWS has provided world class and wide ranging information that has put me in the charge of my severe chronic migraines. I am better able to participate with my doctor in planning my care and I am implementing better self-care strategies. I do believe that migraine knowledge itself is helpful. Be your own advocate, take part in the Migraine World Summit this year!
Debbie Brusveen
Debbie Brusveen
22 March 2024
This migraine summit was very impressive to me. It had top experts delivering relevant and future content. The speakers were very knowledgeable and engaging. Their resources were also very helpful and comprehensive. Thank you for this annual opportunity.
Sheldon Londner
Sheldon Londner
22 March 2024
What an incredible resource. To have access to the latest information straight from the horse's mouth --- Wow!
Andria Bastas
Andria Bastas
21 March 2024
The most information you will ever get in regards to your migraine disease. I have now been able to be more confident going in to my Neurologist and asking for treatments. I don’t feel as totally defeated anymore knowing there’s more out there. If it wasn’t do watching Migraine World Summit I would have no hope. Thank you.
Katie Loadman
Katie Loadman
21 March 2024
The Migraine World Summit is hands down the most valuable source of information I have found in my 18 years of chronic migraine. I am equipped to advocate for myself as a result of watching the interviews. I have access to the top experts in the migraine community. Thank you so much MWS! What would we do without you!
Marc Seguin
Marc Seguin
21 March 2024
I have suffered with migraines for forty years. It was the migraine summit that taught me so many important facts that has improved my life. Giving me the knowledge to share with my health care worker so I was one of the first to try CGRP in Canada. CGRP gave me my life back and I went from chronic migraines to a migraine once a month. Unfortunately I have taken a step back in the last year being diagnosed with Ménière disease and vestibular migraines. The 2024 migraine summit is still helping me and reminding me of the basics. Watch your lifestyle factors, keep that diary and be aware of the medications you are taking. Most important of all don’t give up. I truly needed to watch the summit this year because I was truly feeling defeated and needed a reminder to keep trying!!! Thank you Paula and Karl and your team for making the summit that truly does make a difference in our lives.
Louise Herbert
Louise Herbert
20 March 2024
Excllent event and very useful information and speakers. Invaluable for miraine sufferers.
Kellie P
Kellie P
20 March 2024
I've been watching the Migraine World Summit for the last 8 years and it is still the best resource I have found to get to hear from the world's leading experts. Living with chronic daily migraine attacks is incredibly difficult, and sifting through which information about treatment options is legitimate can be near impossible. Having the presidents and other high-ranking members of the International Headache Society and the American Headache Society provides me with the confidence to know I can trust this information.
Jennifer Leslie
Jennifer Leslie
20 March 2024
The Migraine World Summit has helped me to understand my disease and gain more control over my life. My migraines are better controlled than they were before I found the Summit. I credit some of the improvement to medication changes and some to lifestyle changes I implemented based on what I learned from the Summit.
Kelly Walker
Kelly Walker
19 March 2024
I have attended the Migraine World Summit every year since it began. Every year I get new information that helps me find the most effective migraine treatments for myself. The topics & questions are chosen by people dealing with migraine themselves and all of the information is geared towards patients. 10/10 Recommend.
Ashley D
Ashley D
19 March 2024
This event is offered free at the time it's ongoing every year with the option to buy passes to get access to the event later. There are so many relevant topics and information migraine sufferers want and need to know about. I know this takes a ton of work to make it available, and it is so appreciated. I highly encourage you to check this out. This gets better every year. Up-to-date, relevant info is shared.
Maria Emilia Ribeiro
Maria Emilia Ribeiro
19 March 2024
An eye opening event.
Kara Forte
Kara Forte
19 March 2024
This is such a wonderful resource to migraine sufferers like myself but there needs to be a way we can access the interviews after the day they are recorded please.
Ralia Mylonakou
Ralia Mylonakou
19 March 2024
For migraine sufferers, like me, the best way to get updated on news and treatments!!
Kajsa Bäckman
Kajsa Bäckman
19 March 2024
Amazing information about the latest in migraine research and helpful tips and knowmedge. Please make do it again.
Annette Bryner
Annette Bryner
19 March 2024
I was not able to watch all of the migraine presentations, but those I watched were very informative and well done.
Pink Sky
Pink Sky
19 March 2024
The Migraine World Summit is an invaluable resource for migraine disease sufferers and their loved ones. It is an excellent tool to learn about the latest treatments & discoveries. Plus, you will see that you are not alone. There are many people that struggle with this disease & the shame that comes with it. The summit will also help you educate yourself to be able to better teach family, employers & even medical professionals about this severely misunderstood, chronic neurological condition that is so much more than a headache. Be encouraged!
Daniel Singh
Daniel Singh
18 March 2024
MWS24 learned so much, my favorite webinar, now to run thru my notes while my brain is fresh & migraine hangover day 1 again
Helen Wiltshire
Helen Wiltshire
18 March 2024
Best summit ever. I found most of the interviews had something new to offer. Well done.
Shandra Pinion
Shandra Pinion
18 March 2024
I have watched the Migraine World Summit for the last few years and love all of the information I have received from the experiences. All of the videos are to the point, full of vital information, and easy to process. I am so thankful for the free option because I am on a tight budget and if it was not offered that way I would not be able to participate. I always set aside time to watch and digest the information each year and thoroughly enjoy the opportunity to learn more about new advances and studies done in the world of migraines. I'm so thankful for this resource each year and for all that the Migraine World Summit does for migraine sufferers around the world!
Michela Ignagni
Michela Ignagni
18 March 2024
Excellent information regarding migraines… very informative and up to date info
Juelene Beck
Juelene Beck
18 March 2024
New & incredibly useful info!!!!
Antoinette Visagie
Antoinette Visagie
18 March 2024
I learned so much just wish I could afford to by the programs package or that someone would find it in their heart to donate me a copy of the 2024 WMSS cause I have been living with this dissabilitating pain for almost 10 years now & after having a stoke just moths after loosing my husband to cancer it has escalated to unstoppable migraine attacks witch sometimes last for weeks!
Ciara MacLaverty
Ciara MacLaverty
18 March 2024
Amazing resource. Makes me feel less alone with migraine and has alerted me to new treatments.
Lynda C
Lynda C
18 March 2024
Fabulous source of current information on migraine from excellent speakers who are world renowned professionals in their respective fields.
Kim Matzaganian
Kim Matzaganian
18 March 2024
The Summit was very informative and I’ll be attending each year.
Greg Tompkins
Greg Tompkins
18 March 2024
Absolutely the best resource for information on migraine disease and on new treatment modalities
Cheryl AC
Cheryl AC
17 March 2024
Information is power and Migraine World Summit helps migraineurs to take at least some control over their condition and its treatment. Thank you.
Mechelle Fried
Mechelle Fried
17 March 2024
So informative. So helpful to hear new research, new or less known remedies. Also so very validating to hear that I’m not the only one going through this nightmare called migraine.
Whip Splash
Whip Splash
17 March 2024
Excellent speakers and breath of topics. I have not learned this much about migraines ever - from causes, the standards of care, meds and treatments to what is on the horizon for all of those topics. Thank you all ! Linda B
Christina Duncan
Christina Duncan
17 March 2024
Interviews with experts from all over the country with extensive knowledge and specialties with various types of migraines. To have this access to the best doctors and cutting edge technology for migraines is so helpful. Knowledge is power.
Miriam Kunz
Miriam Kunz
17 March 2024
Important topics for Migraneurs such as exercise, what’s new, emgality, difference between CGRPs, what’s upcoming, latest research plus questions from viewers are answered. Highly recommend.
isobel drysdale
isobel drysdale
17 March 2024
Knowledgable presentations of many aspects of this debilitating conditions.
Lynne Nelson
Lynne Nelson
17 March 2024
I have had migraine disease for over 50 years. I have been a registrant of the annual Migraine World Summit for as long as they have been in existence. I look forward to these 8 days every year. And every year, pen in hand, I take notes on the topics that interest me, and learn something new EVERY year! Thank you to all the wonderful presenters for sharing your extensive knowledge with all of us!
Calleen Bohl
Calleen Bohl
16 March 2024
Very informative summit with knowledgeable and caring presenters and interviewers!
Roberta Cooperman
Roberta Cooperman
16 March 2024
The World Wide Summit is amazing!! You learn cutting edge research and treatment for migraine headaches from the most accomplished world wide physicians and other health care professionals. 9 days of 4 (30) minute webinars per day all at no cost!! It is the most professionally run conference and a true gift to people who suffer with migraines!!
Anne Greco
Anne Greco
16 March 2024
This summit provides a wide array of sessions with articulate moderators and experts. I have attended many conferences over the years, but none that offered the depth that this one did!
Cheryl Householder
Cheryl Householder
16 March 2024
I enjoy the Migraine Summit every year. I learn so many new things for my overall health. This is well put together and the speakers are well-informed and make it easy to understand all the medical terminology. I have given doctors this resource as well. It’s excellent!
Odella Farrell
Odella Farrell
16 March 2024
The Migraine world summit has given me so much understanding about my migraines. Knowledge of the before the migraine, prodrome, the attack, and the after, postdrome. With the help of the Migraine Buddy app, I am able to keep a log of my attacks. Listening to Dr. James Baraniuk MD Talk about TMD and neck pain was so illuminating. The discussion on chronic pain and fatigue. Session on tension headache from Dr Deborah Friedman MD. The Gut Factor. I was having one of my migraine while listening, but the message was to important not to push through. Before the Migraine world summit, I had no idea of the complexities of migraines. I was formally diagnosed with Migraine in 1995. It has been a long, Painful and lonely Road to travel unless you meet a fellow Migraine sufferer. There is so much to learn and understand And there are new medicines out there. I Truly thank all the doctors, researchers and the host of the Migraine world summit
Lisa Wysel
Lisa Wysel
16 March 2024
What I’ve learned through the Migraine World Summit, without a doubt, has changed my life. It was there I learned about all the new treatments and with the guidance of my neurologist, found a plan that worked to essentially stop the chronic migraines I’d had most of my adult life. Thank you to all who make the summit so helpful.
Jean Armstrong
Jean Armstrong
16 March 2024
The Migraine World Summit has given me so much great information to manage my headaches. When I see my doctor I’m so much more informed ahead of the visit. I can’t thank Paula and Carl enough!
Cloyd Havens
Cloyd Havens
16 March 2024
MWS gave me information I have not found anywhere else. The video interviews were incredibly well done and the speakers were expert. I will definitely be back next year!
Alma R
Alma R
16 March 2024
Last List of Seminars was received 3 days ago and I could only watch only 15 minutes ( vs the 30 minutes promised) on each Seminar. The whole Summit purchase is too expensive. too so I would rather see the "free" Seminars and make my own yearly contribution for Migraine. (I live in USA, so that is were my Contribution goes to.) Of course, I look forward to the Migraine World Summit yearly and to more knowledge and hopefully cures for migraines.
Lori Nunn
Lori Nunn
16 March 2024
I have been watching the migraine world summit since the beginning. It is an amazing resource for anyone who has migraine themselves or a loved one with migraine. Carl and Paula lead the interviews in a way that they get right to the most useful information. They get the doctors to not just spout statistics from the trials but to break it down into understandable terms. I am able to go to my doctor's appointments prepared with good questions. It makes me feel more in charge of my own treatment plan.
16 March 2024
This is the 2nd year I’ve been able to attend the migraine summit. I’m so thankful for all the knowledge and treatment advice that is offered. I finally got my vistubular migraine diagnosis thanks to a Dr. from Stanford sharing on there. My migraine disorder has improved following some of the treatment advice. I’m so thankful this is put together. Thank you!
MarthaEm Raby
MarthaEm Raby
16 March 2024
Once again I eagerly watched the Migraine World Summit and once again I was not disappointed. It gets better every year. It is so well organized and easy to navigate. The transcripts are extremely helpful. I am already looking forward to the Highlights on March 20, 2024. Thank you for continuing to provide this excellent resource. MarthaEm Raby Below is the recommendation I wrote last year to encourage anyone to attend the Migraine World Summit because of my prior years of attending and all the benefits. After reading it again, I decided it might be helpful to keep and just add a few remarks. In the past year and a half, I have been able to improve from chronic to episodic migraine. Now that Spring is arriving, my head is not so happy with the constant (and so frequent) severe weather contrast from day to day. Just in time, emails about the 2023 Migraine World Summit, my primary resource for new treatments as well as my source of hope and encouragement, began arriving. Initially I thought I would not watch the pre-summit webinar because I have attended so many summits previously. But I am so glad I watched and I would encourage anyone to watch the recorded version that has been made available. I feel so much more informed about what is being offered this year which will help me prioritize my own agenda. This is an excellent summary and it is easy to see that the quality of sessions for this year's summit meets and may surpass the high caliber of speakers we have seen in past years. Also, Paula and Carl continue to make adjustments that enhance the entire experience of the Migraine World Summit. I am so appreciative of this extraordinary opportunity and look forward to March 8 - 16, 2023. In 2020 I attended the Migraine World Summit and learned several helpful things to deal better with my migraines. It was such an encouraging experience that I have attended each one since. I like being able to find topics specific to my needs. I discovered Cefaly through MWS and used it successfully for several years. More recently, I researched the new migraine drugs and after consulting with my doctor, tried two of them. I am currently taking Ubrelvy because of the helpful information I was able to find at MWS. I have been so pleased with MWS that I now purchase the package so that I can read the transcripts or watch videos at my convenience. This also allows me to go back to topics to refresh my memory or collect certain information to discuss with my doctor. I appreciate how MWS has been run so professionally each year and the efforts to improve every aspect of it. This valuable asset is responsible for improving the quality of my life. Foremost, it has alleviated my anxiety about knowing where to turn when I need to research medical, emotional or other personal issues caused by my long history of migraines. These people care about anyone interested in migraine and they sincerely want to provide useful information to help those affected in any way by this unique condition. Thank you for this opportunity to help inform people about the outstanding quality of information and resources provided by the world's best professionals at the Migraine World Summit. It has become my primary source of information about migraine. Martha Raby (60 years dealing with migraine)
Jennifer Little
Jennifer Little
16 March 2024
All interesting and informative. Great questions for discussion and sometimes your very exact question is answered.
Linda Peacock
Linda Peacock
16 March 2024
As a person with Vestibular Migraine, it is hard to find information that relates to my symptoms. The Migraine World Summit always offers remedies and preventative practices that are useful, new and easy to understand. It is so difficult to find an “understanding” place to go to for support.
16 March 2024
Incredibly informative! A must watch for frequent migraine sufferers
Lorraine Spradley
Lorraine Spradley
16 March 2024
MWS has been one of the best resources for me. The speakers and topics cover so many topics of the multifaceted world of migraine and keep me informed of the latest in discoveries that help me navigate my own world.
Marie Hudspeth
Marie Hudspeth
16 March 2024
Love these lectures. As a migraine patient as well as a lab worker, I have suffered from migraine for years. The lectures gave me insight into how to deal with my migraine variant. In addition the lectures are also interesting and educational. Thank you.
Karen Feller
Karen Feller
16 March 2024
I've been researching migraine for decades and thought I knew it all, but I've learned so much more over the years since the Summit started! When I submitted very detailed questions, they actually got answered! It's a truly valuable resource.
Rita OConnor
Rita OConnor
16 March 2024
Having migraines for decades, I learn new things every year (and throughout the year) at the Migraine World Summit - new resources, new research, new opportunities to manage the pain and discover new trigger-possibilities. Most importantly, the MWS gives me hope...hope for the present, hope for the future and hope for everyone dealing with this debilitating condition. THANK YOU MWS!
Leslie Edwards
Leslie Edwards
16 March 2024
This will be my 6th year of attending MWS and I look forward to it every year. Carl and Paula do a fantastic job of covering as many aspects of migraine as they can, and it is a real privilege to hear from leading migraine doctors from all over the world. I have learnt so much about migraine, how to manage it and what the latest treatments are. One year a neuro-ophthalmologist explained what the symptoms of dry eye were and how it can exacerbate migraines. Thank to her I paid more attention to my eyes and reduced photophobia symptoms. In addition to the doctors, I have also improved migraine management with advice from people who practice complementary and integrative medicine. I find that following advice about sleep, exercise, healthy eating, etc. have done as much to help my migraine management as medications. A big thank you to Carla and Paula. I clear my calendar for this every year.
Jean Johnston
Jean Johnston
16 March 2024
Anyone who battles chronic migraines attacks or has another headache disorder will benefit from this AMAZING resource. The summit is free if you watch the sessions in the first 24 hours. After watching just one session, you’ll want to buy the package. I attend every year and learn something new each time because medicine is constantly changing. I can’t express how life changing this summit is for someone searching for help with a headache disorder.
Veronica Croskrey
Veronica Croskrey
16 March 2024
This year’s summit, as in past years, did not disappoint!! It was full of great, in depth interviews and helpful information. There’s always something to learn and something to feel hopeful about.
Renae Scherff
Renae Scherff
16 March 2024
The latest info on migraine treatments
Kristi Peterman
Kristi Peterman
16 March 2024
This was the second Migraine World Summit I registered for. I learn something from every webinar that can be applied to my own migraine experience. This is good, solid, science backed information that makes a real difference in my life.
Jacqueline Schachter
Jacqueline Schachter
16 March 2024
The Migraine World Summit 2024 was an outstanding platform for brilliant and insightful researchers and practitioners to share their knowledge of migraine and the practical applications of their work. The speakers explained the latest research and treatment techniques in a way that was accessible to the non-scientist. By the end of the week, attendees learned a great deal about relieving the suffering of this disorder with a multitude of approaches. One leaves with concrete next steps to try in treatment as well as inspiration that the journey will be fruitful.
Ms. Irons Sharpens
Ms. Irons Sharpens
16 March 2024
Great summit as always. I wish there was time to see all the sessions. Thanks for all you do.
Jan Gahala
Jan Gahala
16 March 2024
The Migraine World Summit presents excellent information in easily digestible 30-minute segments. The speakers and interviewers are excellent. I also appreciate how you can focus on specific questions in the queue. Thank you!
Dee Vee
Dee Vee
16 March 2024
Great speakers and hosts. A tremendous about of information.
Sra. Bainbridge
Sra. Bainbridge
16 March 2024
Always great information with content experts. I look forward to it each year and the knowledge I will gain
Sara P
Sara P
16 March 2024
i dont know where i would be without the migraine world summit. always sooo much helpful info!
15 March 2024
What an amazing resource for those suffering with migraine and for those who live people with migraine. I get so much information each year and value this resource.
shari m
shari m
15 March 2024
The Migraine World Summit provides current and essential information, hope and support for those who deal with this variable neurological condition that impacts all aspects of life. Thank you.
Pamela Solbes
Pamela Solbes
15 March 2024
I started listening to, and watching the MWS when it first began. I was amazed and really pleased with how much I learned, much more than from any neurologist or even migraine "specialist". Since then, I have watched/listened every year, and every year there is something new to learn. Furthermore, it made me feel less alone, knowing that so many people, like me, have debilitating migraines. I can't thank Carl and Paula enough, and all the other people who contribute to the Summit. I've had migraines for over 50 years, but finally, thanks to the new medications that came out in 2018, I'm able to have migraine free days.
Susan Ballain
Susan Ballain
15 March 2024
This is my 2nd year that I have joined the Migraine World Summit and I have walked away with a lot of helpful information. The kind of information that will stay with me and I can pass on to my friends and family! I plan on being there again next year!
15 March 2024
I've been listening to and watching MWS interviews every year since they started. I come away knowing I have the most accurate and up to date information to take back to my providers to help me manage my migraines. These talks empower me to pursue the best care possible year after year.
Michelle Paradis
Michelle Paradis
15 March 2024
I am so thankful that for the Migraine World Summit. It's a fantastic event that holds a wealth of knowledge for anyone suffering with migraine.
Tammy Cheeseman
Tammy Cheeseman
15 March 2024
It was very informative and had a nice place
Sher C.
Sher C.
15 March 2024
This is been such a wonderful experience learning from so many experts in the field of migraine headaches. Both my daughter and myself have benefited from all the information we received.
Joann Villamarin
Joann Villamarin
15 March 2024
I learned a tremendous amount this year about advances in migraine (not vascular- usually- , mostly neurogenic, except when it’s metabolic or hormonal!) Neck pain is a commonly associated issue. It is always better to be in good control to avoid chronic migraine. But not to give up regardless.
Elizabeth Lynch
Elizabeth Lynch
15 March 2024
Great Source of information from experts around the world!
Deb Wolf
Deb Wolf
15 March 2024
So much great information! Thank you for sharing.
Kelly King
Kelly King
15 March 2024
Really enjoyed the 2024 Summit! I appreciate the free offerings for my first year and may pay for full access in the future. I learned lots of new things and took lots of notes re: prevention and treatments I'd like to try. Thank you to those who participated!
Katy Jones
Katy Jones
15 March 2024
A brilliant group of dedicated medical experts willing to share detailed empirical findings and applied advice in a compassionate manner. Well-organized daily format. Interviewers were great at summarizing complicated answers when necessary. Medical terms defined on-screen and perfectly-synced closed captions. Great to be able to access up-to-date information on the many facets of migraine.
Judy Nutter
Judy Nutter
15 March 2024
Again you provided interesting and informative interviews. I have new questions for my neurologist and new tips to improve my treatment plan to combat my chronic migraine. I look forward to this event every year. Over the years I have learned so much about this complex disease.
Diana Christian
Diana Christian
15 March 2024
The Migraine World Summit is such a wonderful resource to so many of us living with migraine disorder. The expert interviews are excellent and though I watch year after year, there is always more to learn. I often bring that knowledge to my migraine specialist before he's had a chance to learn about it himself. I'm so thankful for the free access to this information!
Kattie Stinemetze
Kattie Stinemetze
15 March 2024
I am so grateful for the information I have gotten from the MWS, I have been able to share with my health care team & it has improved my recovery & given me some great tools. Unexpectedly I also found a wonderful support group of people who really understand what it is like living with a TBI & chronic intractable daily migraine. Thank you to all of the people who are involved at the MWS! Information is power & I have Hope today.
Karen Knecht
Karen Knecht
15 March 2024
The Migraine World Summit had such a wealth of information, insights and resources. I am so grateful for all who shared their knowledge and for those who have worked so hard to make this summit possible.
Christy Holmes
Christy Holmes
15 March 2024
Very helpful website if u have migraines!
Brian Freedo
Brian Freedo
15 March 2024
A wealth of information and knowledge. Light years above your local neurologist, migraine clinic, or provider. Great resource to learn and an outlook on the future. Very impressive organization, and I rarely give 5 star reviews.
Jmcr Aranarth
Jmcr Aranarth
15 March 2024
Another fantastic summit, packed to valuable, easily understandable information. Thank you!!
Linda Sullivan
Linda Sullivan
15 March 2024
So educational!
Cindy Caldroney
Cindy Caldroney
15 March 2024
Have followed for several years. Gives great promising treatment options and most importantly validates that my disease is real and I’m not crazy.
Glen Sargent
Glen Sargent
15 March 2024
Great information. Inspiring.
Lori Whittle
Lori Whittle
15 March 2024
I have learned far more about migraine at the yearly online Migraine World Summit than all other information sources combined. Thank you!
Marti Benedict
Marti Benedict
15 March 2024
I learn so much from the Migraine World Summit. It gives me hope to know so many brilliant doctors and researchers are working on a migraine and pain free future. Thank you!
Stuart Skerker
Stuart Skerker
15 March 2024
The Migraine World Summit was really informative and helpful.
Carol Johnson
Carol Johnson
15 March 2024
The "knowledge" from these experts gives us "hope" which is what we need for ourselves and future generations. I received both from this summit. Thank you.
Lynn Price
Lynn Price
15 March 2024
All the great information about migraine disease is very much appreciated!
Jan Kreitler
Jan Kreitler
15 March 2024
Would like to see more sessions on new daily persistent headaches…and other headache disorders. But well done!
15 March 2024
The seminars were extremely current and informative. Excellent source. I am very grateful for this educational resource and the efforts of all who work so hard to provide it to those who suffer.
Sharon Rhoades
Sharon Rhoades
15 March 2024
Absolute wonderful information for us Migraine suffers. Thank you for all your hard work to put this together.
Lynne Miller
Lynne Miller
15 March 2024
There were excellent presenters through the whole Migraine Summit.Great information provided and always learn more information that I didn’t know already.
Carla T.
Carla T.
15 March 2024
I have to say the Migraine Summit gets better and better every year! I always learn a ton and can use the information to help me handle this terrible disease. I am forever grateful for all the presenters and all the people behind the scenes making it happen!!
Daniel Hyde
Daniel Hyde
15 March 2024
Great Migraine World Summit!
Cathy seng
Cathy seng
15 March 2024
Definitely very informative. Will be purchasing the whole program
Francine Wilbur
Francine Wilbur
15 March 2024
Excellent interviews full of helpful information!
Patricia Hough
Patricia Hough
15 March 2024
I was greatly interested in the session on Vestibular Migraine on the last day of the Migraine World Summit for 2024. I was encouraged by the knowledgeable doctor who spoke on this little known migraine condition. Thank you for including this information on the schedule this year.
Karen Langham
Karen Langham
15 March 2024
Great, up to the minute information on migraine but often applies to other aspects of chronic pain as well. It covers all areas and aspects of migraine from diagnosis to treatments to treatments to come by professionals and experts all over the world! And each interview is free to watch for 24 hours, or you can buy access to see it at your own leasure 'forever.' I have always found new information, something I can use to better my life, or encouragment, and I've had migraines for about 64 years so far! YOU ARE NOT ALONE, AND PEOPLE WHO CARE CAN HELP!
H Rinkes
H Rinkes
15 March 2024
What a wonderful opportunity and resource made available for free for those like me suffering from migraines. The information is so helpful and provides an opportunity to realize I’m not alone in how I feel, the effects on my body and mind, the struggles and the stigma we migraine sufferers endure. Thank you for providing a variety of topics especially ones that perhaps we didn’t know existed or are related to migraines.
Janice Sykes
Janice Sykes
15 March 2024
Great information provided about Migraine. The format was great and love that there were so many different speakers with varying areas of expertise.
Tom Davis
Tom Davis
15 March 2024
Best free source of information about migraines and the various treatments and causes and it really is free! Check it out.
15 March 2024
The migraine summit every year has new impertinent information. Evidence-based research base important information. Being in the military and in the medical field is a nurse. I always suffered from migraine headaches due to shift work and stress and also genetic issues. So this is a valuable source of information. Now I am 63 but at the time I still found it very difficult to deal with out evidence, research base migraine treatments and now we're shifting to more understanding of how and why migraines are so important to be treated and help people. Thank you for the migraine world summit every year. I appreciate all the presenters. They're clear, concise, direct, informative, and up to date on the latest research about migraine and neurological aspects of the migraine headaches.
Liz Chandlee
Liz Chandlee
15 March 2024
I look forward every year to this Summit - so much informative information - I wish half the providers that present could be my provider. I have told many people who suffer that they need to be a part of this amazing network. It can be life changing. Additionally, Paula & Carl feel like friends - they are real & can identify with those of us who suffer w/migraines. Thx Paula & Carl for continuing this Summit.
Gail Brickel
Gail Brickel
15 March 2024
I enjoy listening to all the knowledge that is shared during this week, and thinking can this help me with my migraine history to pass on to my kids. I wish the time for watching them on line was a longer window. I know it can be purchased, but not applicable for me. Thanks to all who puts this together.
Julia Carey
Julia Carey
15 March 2024
Exceptional event. Informative, highly knowledgeable speakers, and terrific moderators. Beyond the world class scientific content, there were many practical questions along with actionable responses. Even the sound and visual were created with respect for migraine brains. Clearly an exceptional amount of time and effort went into pulling this event off. Bravo!
Shelley Jagodzinski
Shelley Jagodzinski
15 March 2024
Watch every year! I learn so much and am able to become a better advocate for myself
Stacy Lindner
Stacy Lindner
15 March 2024
All shows were awesome!
Beatriz Gomez
Beatriz Gomez
15 March 2024
Thank you so much for such a great way to teach us how to manage a migraine. I have learnt much more through Migraine World Summit than through my provider.
Carolyn Black
Carolyn Black
15 March 2024
Fantastic source of information from all over the world. Nothing has helped me more on my migraine management journey!
Luanne P
Luanne P
15 March 2024
Every year I learn more about my migraines. I have even convinced my doctors to check out the Migraine World Summit.
Alison Jackson Frasier
Alison Jackson Frasier
15 March 2024
This was my first year of the summit. Learned a lot from experts in the field. Very helpful in my own struggles with migraine.
Barbara Stevens
Barbara Stevens
15 March 2024
Great, informative summit. I always learn new things from listening.
Gina Wuethrich
Gina Wuethrich
15 March 2024
This forum has changed some decisions I have made with my neurologist. It also inspires me to do my my own research and guides me in the correct direction. It helps me know I am not alone in this debilitating disorder.
Mee Lee
Mee Lee
15 March 2024
The 2024 Summit had magnificent topics and presenters!!! Please continue providing us with wonderful and timely information!!
Debbie B
Debbie B
15 March 2024
The migraine summit was extremely informative. Very helpful.
15 March 2024
Excellent information from the best specialists around the world from experienced practitioners and scientist. Honest assessments, insights and opinions create learning opportunities for every level, every professional.
Maria Ku
Maria Ku
15 March 2024
Migraine World Summit is a unique means of keeping up to date on every migraine management "life hack" & every question you need to ask your Doctor about. Presentation are concise, to the point, specifically-themed. No matter how much I learn from medical literature or my amazing neurologist, I still get at least one new life hack from each 30-min presentation/episode.
kasia cibor (cathy)
kasia cibor (cathy)
15 March 2024
I learned so much from this event. I feel more empowered to advocate for myself and communicate well with my provider. It made me emotional at times to feel so seen by the health care providers, researchers, and organizers. And how amazing that it was free to watch!
Tina Mooney
Tina Mooney
15 March 2024
Incredibly informative. What a great resource - workshops from a huge number of experts on a wide variety of important migraine topics from the Comfort of your couch.
Patty Livingston
Patty Livingston
15 March 2024
This was very informative. It's also so good to know there are so many like me who struggle with this disease, I'm not alone.
Ann Schwietert
Ann Schwietert
15 March 2024
So much wonderful information. Gets better every year.
Nancy L
Nancy L
15 March 2024
Tons of info relating to many types of migraines. I was especially interested in vestibular related migraines. Thanks for this opportunity to learn and apply the knowledge for future relief.
Robin Edwards
Robin Edwards
15 March 2024
Love the MWS. Great interviews and information from leaders in the field. Unfortunately unable to hear all it in each 24 hr window with working/ life, and disappointed how expensive the all access pass is so I didn't have to stress out over getting it all in. $49 would be easier so I would suggest a longer window to hear it all, and/or a portion of your proceeds to go to migraine research if you do not lower cost and maybe promotional times when the pass goes on sale. Thanks for asking and keep it up!
Gail Lord
Gail Lord
15 March 2024
Back in the Dark Ages, even before Ibuprofen was available, doctors didn't know what to do about migraines. Some of them didn't even want to talk to people who suffered from migraine. This summit was a great discovery for me. I found lots of ideas for what to try and really empathetic doctors and hosts.
Nicole-Mixi Martin
Nicole-Mixi Martin
15 March 2024
Always so relevant and full of information! It should be “obligatory” to listen to it to learn more 😉
(Translated by Google, see original)
Jonelle Roberts
Jonelle Roberts
15 March 2024
I've attended the past four years. Each year, I find something new to discuss with my doctor. Things that have actually improved my condition. Even with chronic migraine, I always leave feeling hopeful.
Jeff Taylor
Jeff Taylor
15 March 2024
An excellent summit for sharing information and knowledge. Great speakers offered up daily for the duration of the summit. Thanks to all who put this together.
Toni Lamb
Toni Lamb
15 March 2024
Brilliant. So many speakers approaching the issue of migraine from different perspectives and so much information not available in the UK. Sadly confirmed my belief there's no research for us oldies taking place is confirmed but I'll keep pushing the specialists here armed with any information garnered from these podcasts. Thank you
Cathleen Fitch
Cathleen Fitch
15 March 2024
The shortened interviews were superficial and I did not appreciate the commercial interruption to sell the pass to complete interviews.
Mariel Mandelko
Mariel Mandelko
15 March 2024
The Migraine World Summit is such a wonderful resource for anyone suffering from migraines. I feel so empowered and hopeful each year after I listen to the interviews and have new strategies to talk with my doctor about.
Patricia Torres
Patricia Torres
15 March 2024
Very informative, easy to understand in plain English and practical solutions for migraine sufferers.
Susan Kirby
Susan Kirby
15 March 2024
I look forward to the Migraine World Summit every year. I have been watching the summit for years now and feel the hosts Paula and Carl are good friends! They ask intelligent questions and restate what the doctors have said in simple terms. It has the most up to date information on migraine science. There are topics that may not pertain to me but I find if I listen to them there are usually nuggets I can use. This summit gives me hope!
Suzanne Schuster
Suzanne Schuster
15 March 2024
The Migraine World Summit was filled with so much helpful information. I learned more in these last few days than than I had learned in the last ten years of visiting my doctor. I would highly recommend it to anyone involved with migraines.
Cathy Coste
Cathy Coste
15 March 2024
The best place to get Migraine information. Great speakers and interviewers are spot on!
Rachel Tyson
Rachel Tyson
15 March 2024
The migraine world summit is an excellent, extremely informative resource for those who suffer with migraines. It increases awareness of the many ways that migraine affects so many people. I’m thankful for the free interviews that have provided lots of helpful education, ideas for new treatments, perspectives on symptoms and triggers, and insights into migraines that are happening now and on the horizon.
Joseph Coates
Joseph Coates
15 March 2024
THE scientifically vetted source for latest migraine disease news and treatments.
Margot Andersen
Margot Andersen
15 March 2024
Excellent and current information on migraine regarding managing migraine and research.
Kathleen Bunn
Kathleen Bunn
15 March 2024
Learned so much watching live and now excited to have full access to continue to learn to take back my life from this disease
Trish Farthing
Trish Farthing
15 March 2024
Can’t recommend this enough if you have migraine or are a professional who treats migraine. Research, expert doctors and other resources are all seamlessly one roof. You can attend much of it for free which is amazing. I purchased a ticket which I feel saved me money in future medical costs.
Julie Jano
Julie Jano
15 March 2024
The hosts are fantastic and the experts are very thorough explaining things. I also enjoy the wide variety of topics and the sense of hope after listening to the videos.
Mandy Arnold
Mandy Arnold
15 March 2024
Very informative. A broad range of talks. Something for everyone. I don’t see a neurologist, so it’s good to educate myself on new ideas/medications as well as the tried and tested old ones. I can then speak to my doctor if need be.
deb dimick
deb dimick
15 March 2024
After half a century, I have an amazing amount of research directly available from top specialists all around the globe. I have shared MWS with my GP, neurologist and chiropractor. They hadn't seen it before but were very interested. I am now 65. My migraines started at adolescence. MWS has SO MANY experts in every aspect of migraines. Treatment options, how to cope, stigma, etc. I advise everyone to subscribe so you can also find expert advice on ways to help yourself. You might not have to suffer through migraines for 50 years like I did. Check them out now!
Rosanne Beaudoin
Rosanne Beaudoin
15 March 2024
Lots of interesting conferences. Free option available for 24 hours of live. I also tried the paid option which is worth it if you can afford it.
(Translated by Google, see original)
Karen C
Karen C
15 March 2024
As always, this is a wonderfully organized seminar with important and new findings. I look forward to it yearly and always learn something. After 50 years of migraine I feel some days there’s nothing new I can learn, but that’s not never correct.
Paula Williams
Paula Williams
15 March 2024
The Migraine Summit presents new information each year on a variety of possible treatments/therapies for combating Migraine Disease. Yes, it can be considered combat because to find peace with what life has given us requires different methods of therapy at different times in our lives. Knowledge is power and the more one understands about the disease allows each person to select what they believe will work for them. The summit is free and the best source of information on many subjects of interest to anyone with Migraine Disease or to friends and family so they may understand more of what we go thru.
Liz Santarsiero
Liz Santarsiero
15 March 2024
Comprehensive and informative summit. I love being able to pick and choose which conferences to view. The vestibular migraine session was excellent. Us VM sufferers are so grateful to be included, offering hope and education.
Steve Kendall
Steve Kendall
15 March 2024
Excellent presentations with useful information.
Susan Terry
Susan Terry
15 March 2024
I really enjoyed the chance of getting a glimpse into the migraine world summit. I am a Senior lady of 66 years who has suffered with Hereditary Migraine since a child. Being from the U.K I want to say a “Massive” Thank You for being offered to view it for “Free”. The only gripe I have is we are only given a 24 hour window in which to view. In today’s busy lifestyle it is sometimes hard to fit it in. I think I managed to view 85% of the content. So here is to Next Year and May we all have the opportunity to be Semi Migraine Free.
Trisha Carr
Trisha Carr
15 March 2024
This is my second year at Migraine Summit and it's such a great experience. So many experts in the field of Migraine to help support and educate the public about Migraines. Very helpful in navigating my daughter's care and treatment plan. Thank you, Migraine World Summit!!
Joseph Mckay
Joseph Mckay
15 March 2024
Great organization!!
Alexandra de Vries
Alexandra de Vries
15 March 2024
I have been following the migraine world summit for years and I am so amazed about how many good people are interested in helping others with migraines! I feel less worried about episodic attacks and I am confident I can better guide patients to find the right professional for them, base on the presentations and education you guys present every year. Thank you so much for all your work guys
Ahmad Sheharyar
Ahmad Sheharyar
15 March 2024
Being a young researcher in headache field related to psychology- I found this summit to clear my future goals
Susan Mccartney
Susan Mccartney
15 March 2024
I have learned a great deal about prevention, treatment and recovery from migraine. This is my third year attending the summit and I have many fewer and less severe migraine days.
Jenni Redden
Jenni Redden
15 March 2024
Great information!!
Becky Gray
Becky Gray
15 March 2024
What helpful information. Each day there was at least one interview that I wanted to watch and I’ve come away once again with more information about how to care for myself better with complex migraine with aura.
Jamie Ross
Jamie Ross
15 March 2024
I really appreciated the innovative manner in which the conference was organized online. The ability to access the interviews after a certain time was helpful and flexible. The length of the interviews was just right. The interviewers’ approach to start simple and then get much more complex was appropriate to a diverse audience. Thank you.
Robynne Booth
Robynne Booth
15 March 2024
I love the Migraine World Summit! This is my 3rd year attending. I always learn so much! It can sometimes feel like research is slow and you have tried everything, but every year, I am encouraged by how much research is advancing, advocacy efforts for accessibility and affordability of treatments, and new and effective treatment options I didn’t know before. I always come away with at least a few things to talk to my doctor about. Thank you, World Summit team for empowering and educating patients and clinicians alike!
Rachel Koh
Rachel Koh
15 March 2024
Year after year, I always learn something new and look forward to the MWS. Such a valuable resource. Thank you for all the hard work that goes into this every year!
June M
June M
15 March 2024
This is the fourth year I have watched every MWS interview. And I can honestly and enthusiastically say I find new, relevant, practical and hopeful information each time. MWS is an incredible resource! I highly recommend it to everyone who has migraine or lives with someone who has migraine.
Audrey Caldwell
Audrey Caldwell
15 March 2024
What I liked most about this year's summit, was the speakers that listed multiple preventative treatments. This gives me hope that there might be something I haven't tried that might help my chronic migraines. As always, I hope that in the future something addressing help for extreme light sensitivity will be offered. This is what is debilitating for me, since I have to stay away from all bright lights.
Patti Mead
Patti Mead
15 March 2024
Every year that I can, I watch the Migraine World Summit. I learn such valuable information and appreciate the knowledge that I do not receive anywhere else. As a person that suffers from migraine, the Summit always gives me hope.
Barbara Maxson
Barbara Maxson
15 March 2024
This yearly program has helped me understand what is happening to my body. I have watched the summit for four years. This is true. I always learn new facts and am reminded of facts I have forgotten. However, I resent the advertisements in the middle of each program. I wonder if you received more memberships from these ads. This was as disturbing as watching TV.
Dr. Saji
Dr. Saji
15 March 2024
Very informative and great presentation
Chris Martin
Chris Martin
15 March 2024
Great speakers, great topics, I learn a lot about migraine and how to treat this disorder. Many thanks to Carl and Paula and the interviewers!
Mike Man
Mike Man
15 March 2024
Thanks for the informative interviews. I’ve made great strides eliminating most headaches. Several of the interviews in past years inspired me to eliminate all meds & view Migraines as a metabolic initiated illness that’s reversible via Metabolic Functional Health approaches. I hope in the future you can have more using this approach.
Lisa Blackstone
Lisa Blackstone
14 March 2024
Great information and videos about many many facets of migraine. I’ve learned a lot about how to live with migraines better and how to advocate for myself with medical professionals.
Jamie Gorbet
Jamie Gorbet
14 March 2024
I always learn something and I am heartened by how many hardworking and brilliant people are applying their energy and lives to understanding migraine disease
Cathy Lambert
Cathy Lambert
14 March 2024
What a wonderful resource for those who suffer with migraine! So much knowledge and help in one place. Thanks to all who made the 2024 Summit possible.
Andrea T
Andrea T
29 March 2023
Empowering and informative
27 March 2023
Love the summit, so much information. If just starting out learning, it's a great resource, however, take it slowly at first lots to process. If you are able purchase of the summit, it is good for reference and slower viewing of all the interviews. Would recommend coming back for next year. It has been very helpful.
Hilary Carne
Hilary Carne
27 March 2023
I've been watching the Migraine World Summit for years, and each year I learn something new about how migraines affect me (those "a hah" moments), and new treatments .... which gives hope for something to work better for me eventually, even if the new treatments aren't readily available in my country yet. I don't necessarily listen to all the sessions, but definitely find enough that many of the sessions are relevant to me and so helpful. Thanks for all the hard work of putting together these seminars. You are much appreciated.
Lanette Bading
Lanette Bading
25 March 2023
I am forever indebted to MWS. I have had migraines for about 50 years (several of my ancestors had migraines as well). Doctors prescribed painkillers and a variety of alternate purpose drugs (like beta-blockers, antidepressants) which did nothing. About 1990 the triptans arrived, and they were a miracle abortive drug. But my migraines worsened a few years ago, and I came across the MWS, where I learned of some very new medications and was started on Aimovig monthly injections as a preventive. My migraines are down from over 15 a month to less than a handful. I have had less success with the new abortive pills, and continue to use Imitrex injections (or Zembrace--half dose sumatriptan) for relief. The Summit provides a wealth of information and is well worth the time. Even though the presentations are free, it is well worth paying to get the transcripts.
M van M
M van M
25 March 2023
Every year the Migraine World Summit gives so much useful information, guidance and encouragement to migraine patients. Keep up the good work :)!
Patrick Hayden
Patrick Hayden
25 March 2023
My wife has chronic migraine and watches migraine world summit every year and receives very helpful information. She looks forward it yearly.
Kim Taylor
Kim Taylor
24 March 2023
Excellent presentations, a wealth of information. Definitely worth viewing if you are a migraine sufferer.
Adrienne Forest
Adrienne Forest
24 March 2023
This forum has helped me so much realize I'm not alone. It has given me, for FREE!!, access to experts in the field of headache and migraine. The wealth of information alone, websites, new meds, different headache types, has helped me understand my migraine and headache disease. THANK YOU Migraine World Summit!
Mariah Warren
Mariah Warren
24 March 2023
I attended the summit last year and found the depth and breadth of information quite impressive. It was a definite plus hearing from each of the professionals featured, rather than reading websites/articles. Carl and Paula hosted with empathy and asked the questions we as migraneurs have foremost on our minds. I learned quite a bit and found many resources I had not known prior to the summit. Thank you, Paula and Carl, for this wonderful event!
Perplexta Fortuna
Perplexta Fortuna
24 March 2023
Wonderfully helpful!!! Very informative.
Lillian Watterworth
Lillian Watterworth
24 March 2023
Well done again this year! So much to learn each year, so appreciate hearing from the variety of expert speakers.
Karen O'S
Karen O'S
24 March 2023
So much useful information on everything relating to migraines, including new treatments, the latest science & studies, lifestyle advice, and all sorts of practical pointers to help improve your migraines and give you hope. The topics were discussed in an accessible way without being dumbed down. Personally - and I hope I'm not speaking too soon - the summit may have changed my life. I didn’t know that magnesium deficiency could be the cause of migraines. I have been taking magnesium supplements for two weeks and from needing to take 1-3 triptans a week and having a hint of migraine in the background most days when I didn't take them, I've been totally migraine-free since. I still can't believe it. So, I can truly say the Summit is well worth attending. THANK YOU.
Coral Nicholson
Coral Nicholson
24 March 2023
Really interesting & helpful to hear from medical experts . I learned so much.
Dianne Gordon
Dianne Gordon
24 March 2023
Migraine World Summit has been a source of inspiration and hope for me. A treasure trove of recent, relevant scientific research available to all - either free for a few days when it’s running or a small fee for complete access. Every clinician working with headache sufferers would benefit from participating. The organisers are extraordinary - everything runs so smoothly and professionally - they are more than generous with their time. Thank you so much!
Karen Arciszewski
Karen Arciszewski
23 March 2023
Wonderful Summit providing great resources.
Lisa Bachelder
Lisa Bachelder
23 March 2023
Incredibly informative! Thank you!
Jennifer Leslie
Jennifer Leslie
23 March 2023
I have chronic daily migraines and see a great neurologist. I started watching the Migraine World Summit in 2019. Migraine World Summit has helped me to better understand and manage my condition. I am very confident that putting recommended practices I have learned about during the Summit (ex- SEEDS) has greatly contributed to reducing the severity of my migraines and improved my quality of life. Thank you!
Michelle Rixon
Michelle Rixon
23 March 2023
The Migraine World Summit provides me with hope. Awareness, research, new treatments, practical tips, lived experience...its all brought together at the Summit.
Robin McGee
Robin McGee
23 March 2023
I happened to stumble across the Migraine World Summit while googling different migraine treatment options. I have been a migraine patient since I was a child. I have tried every medication and therapy under the sun it has felt like. I decided to listen to every single speaker to see if I could gain any new information or insights, and BOY did I! The Migraine World Summit changed my life. It renewed my hope that there are further treatment options for me, and it made me feel less alone. It also validated everything that I had been thinking and feeling about myself and my condition. Society, family, and friends (whether or not intentionally) may not always understand what we are going through as migraine people. It is easy for your own voice to start to tell you that migraines are not a big deal, and that you are in fact causing them. Do NOT let others or your own inner voice get you down. Find support in the community around you and keep fighting for yourself and your health. On top of everything else, several specialists featured on Migraine World Summit mentioned how often migraine sufferers also have some form of a sleep disorder. Turns out after taking a sleep test, I have obstructive sleep apnea that is contributing to most of my migraine symptoms! I have suffered for migraines for 25 years and not a single provider had mentioned this to me as a possibility. Knowledge is truly power, and if you or a loved one suffers from migraine, please please please tune into Migraine World Summit.
Annette Skillingsås
Annette Skillingsås
23 March 2023
Inspiring and educational!
Bessie Hronis-Tirpkos
Bessie Hronis-Tirpkos
23 March 2023
Informative. Thorough. Professional and understanding panelists a d contributors. Very impressive. Thank you for this summit.
Kathrin Kopp
Kathrin Kopp
23 March 2023
Many different migraine related topics; expert interviews, got some helpful and comforting info
Kelly DelGaizo
Kelly DelGaizo
23 March 2023
The Migraine World Summit is an incredible resource for anyone who suffers from migraine disorder. I've been watching for years, and always learn new things. I cannot recommend this enough for anyone who has migraine or loves someone who does!
Linda Rio
Linda Rio
23 March 2023
As a mental health professional I frequently refer my clients to MWS. Information presented is relevant, research and scientifically sound, as well as pleasantly presented. I highly recommend this site for anyone who suffers from migraines. Family members and friends can also benefit by learning about this very painful, often debilitating condition along with ways they can help support their loved one(s).
Tracy Mac
Tracy Mac
23 March 2023
Very grateful this is briefly offered free each day it is held to provide access for all. Thanks to the organisers and all the informative caring speakers.
Beth Kloker
Beth Kloker
23 March 2023
This was very helpful. I've recently gone on a monthly injectable that is starting to give me relief. It was good to hear input on the new and old drugs. Also, it was a relief to hear about the gut/brain connection. Good information all around.
joyce mennecke
joyce mennecke
23 March 2023
I have struggled with migraines for over 20 years. In the past 2 years I was put on a new medication Nurtec which works wonderful. It was great to learn more about this medication and others in this category, both pros and cons of taking it. Also your gut health and how it relates to migraines. I would love to hear more about that next year. Overall for my 1st year attending I was very impressed. Thank you for letting this be something free for migraine suffers. I'm in for next year!
Laurie Nason
Laurie Nason
23 March 2023
First of all, Paula & Carl, thank you so much for what you do to help us all! I’m 63 and have suffered with migraine for 40 years. Thanks to the knowledge I’ve gleaned from the Migraine Summit, and Qulipta, I feel like a new woman. The range of topics they cover is astonishing - truly something for every type of headache-sufferer out there. Seriously folks, take/make the time to listen and do this for yourself, you won’t regret it!
Kim Dezelic
Kim Dezelic
23 March 2023
If you or anyone you know suffers from Migraines or similar headaches this summit is truly LIFE CHANGING! I have had migraines for over 35 years and I have been to so many neurologists and even headache centers. I learned so much I am convinced I can get to zero days! THANK YOU and I hope this information will spread to patients and doctors.
Noelle Schwieterman
Noelle Schwieterman
23 March 2023
The information I gained from the Migraine World Summit was impowering. The more I learn about chronic migraine, the better able I feel to manage this condition.
Jennifer Hayward
Jennifer Hayward
23 March 2023
Amazing resource. I have found so many valuable webinars and learned so much about dealing with my migraine. Highly recommend.
Dakota Fauble
Dakota Fauble
23 March 2023
Absolutely fantastic resources and information every year. I recommend this to anyone and everyone with any kind of migraine or headache.
Kiwoong Song
Kiwoong Song
23 March 2023
I live with chronic migraines. This was my first time participating in the Migraine World Summit and it’s been a blessing! Thanks for all you do!
Vicki Passman
Vicki Passman
23 March 2023
Extremely well presented, state-of-the-art information from experts with a human touch.
Brihanna Watson
Brihanna Watson
23 March 2023
A complete and valuable resource for migraine sufferers.
Monica Delgado
Monica Delgado
23 March 2023
I've watched the Migraine Summit interviews for the past 3 years. It's very informative! It's the only place I hear about new meds and new findings each year.
sandra bibiana ortiz lozano
sandra bibiana ortiz lozano
23 March 2023
The more important thing I love about this place is that I didn’t feel lonely anymore because I was reading about other people experiences with migraine and learn something different than my own experience. All of this on top of the great information about new treatments.
Regina Westfall
Regina Westfall
23 March 2023
Excellent, a wealth of information from the presenters and the staff. This was my first time on the Migraine World Summit. I have so many more tools in my migraine toolkit. Thank you for all that you do to inform and help this community.
Anna Seastrand
Anna Seastrand
23 March 2023
*The best* resource for migraine information and community. I am so grateful for the Migraine World Summit, from which I have learned so much.
Matt Mackinnon
Matt Mackinnon
23 March 2023
After a major bicycling accident I was struck by chronic migraines that changed my life. I learnt that most family doctors are very good at broken bones and viruses, but are lacking in education about head injuries and associated side effects. For me that was migraines with auras. The migraine world summit is a fabulous tool to help educate yourself on what is going on. Treatment options and most importantly how to advocate for yourself to get the care you need and deserve. There is so much new and innovative options out there if you knew what to ask for and could bring to your doctor to help bring them up to speed and get you relief. This years summit had an incredible discussion on concussions and migraines that gave me more insight and information in 30 minutes than I’ve gotten from 18 years seeing multiple doctors. I now see hope in getting better. It’s well worth the time to register and watch the seminars. Knowledge can be the fastest way to finding relief and a cure.
Valentina Seale
Valentina Seale
23 March 2023
The migraine world summit has given me the knowledge to manage my condition. By implementing all the tools that I leaned over the years, I can manage this condition much better, and the days that I still get an attack, I am encouraged to know that there is a community of support out there, working hard to create awareness, end stigma, and develop treatments. Thank you .. you have given me many many days of my life back !
Liz Brown
Liz Brown
23 March 2023
I love the migraine summit. I look forward to it each year. To hear the latest developments in treating migraine, the hopes, the tips. It’s wonderful. And it’s free if you listen on the day. Thank you for all that you do 🙏
Leslie McAhren
Leslie McAhren
23 March 2023
Information is the key to getting help and Migraine World Summit was a wealth of information! Thank you so much for all who participated. So many things to walk away with and apply to my daily life!
ianw W
ianw W
23 March 2023
I am in the UK & am retired. I have had migraines since I was a young child. Now I have chronic migraines. I was given rizatriptans in 2000 & they made a huge difference. Since then I didn't really get much help & they have progressively got worse. Having watched the summit I feel I am beginning to understand my migraines. Thank you to all the amazing people who are trying to help us sufferers. I especially enjoyed the interview with Nazia Karsan, MRCP, PhD. Thank you so much for your insight. Amazing!
Lindsey B
Lindsey B
23 March 2023
If you have Migraine yourself or know anyone with Migraine symptoms you should definitely watch! That would be everyone. Can not wait for 2024!
Siobhan O'Connor
Siobhan O'Connor
23 March 2023
Learned so many things from summit in one place.
Lin Amendt
Lin Amendt
23 March 2023
Wonderful, extremely useful information. Highly recommend! Something new about different types of migraines. Speakers were well-informed and knowledgeable. A++
C West
C West
23 March 2023
This summit was informative and pitched well for most audiences. I am glad however that I have a health sciences career as the detail and terminology used by the speakers may have been overwhelming for many. I took one star off because the speakers referenced American migraine support groups and websites frequently but given that it was a world summit, I would have liked a resource for groups and websites that might be available in some other countries.
Mirte Van Dijk
Mirte Van Dijk
23 March 2023
As someone with severe chronic migraine I loved watching and learning about all the possibilities. Eventhough not everything is availlable (yet) in the Netherlands it is hopefull to be hearing about all the new possibillities and results from researches. I also love that they talk about the non-medical possibillities and the effects of migraine.
Margot Bradley
Margot Bradley
23 March 2023
great to get hopeful information and suggestions for coping with this debilitating condition...
Ash Cox / carnivalnights (carnivalnights)
Ash Cox / carnivalnights (carnivalnights)
23 March 2023
Truly the best resource for anyone suffering from migraine or chronic migraine. I started watching The Migraine World Summit a few years ago and have looked forward to it every year since. I know things my doctors don't know when it comes to migraine now, and speaking to neurologists and nurses, they always comment, "Wow! You really know a lot about migraine." I have suffered from chronic migraine for over 20 years, and the Summit provides so much education, insight and guidance on how to live with this brain disease. I come out feeling like I know myself and my disease better. Every year I learn so much about new or upcoming treatments and research, non-medication treatments (neuromodulation, biofeedback, CBT, etc.), how to better my daily life with lifestyle changes or dealing with stigma, and much more. The expert speakers are all so educated and well-spoken; I feel like these are the doctors who understand, fully, what migraine is and how much of an impact it has on us. I find myself thinking 'I wish they were my doctor' when I really enjoy someone's talk. It is so hard in health care to find a true headache specialist and someone who truly cares about your well-being and getting you on the right treatments. The Summit gives me hope that one day I will get my chronic migraine under control. I cannot say enough good things about this event and how imperative it is for anyone suffering with migraine to watch.
Anne Cash
Anne Cash
23 March 2023
This is such a rich resource for those with migraine and their physicians!
Maude Lefebvre
Maude Lefebvre
23 March 2023
This is a wonderful information source for everyone who suffers from migraine! It helps me so much to understand my condition. Education is like a treatment when you use good source! I recommend to listen to all interviews who can be related to your condition. Thanks a lot! I highly recommend the Migraine World Summit interviews. Education is a form of treatment in itself when you have an illness. It is an immense opportunity to have access to professionals, experts in the field of migraines who inform us about the best data available to help us live better with migraine/chronic migraine. I recommend that everyone living with migraine listen to the interviews relevant to their condition! Thank you Migraine Wold Summit 💝
(Translated by Google, see original)
Tara Skibo
Tara Skibo
23 March 2023
I watched many of the videos from the 2023 event and I was thrilled with the knowledge being shared. Such a valuable resource.
Consuela 4
Consuela 4
22 March 2023
Anyone who has headaches or other symptoms of migraine needs to watch this. Especially if you don’t have a neurologist or headache specialist. You deserve better care! It has helped me so much and I thought I knew everything after watching for a few years, but each year they surprise me with more cool stuff from experts in this field. PS It’s NOT one of those scammy events that puts you on BS mailing lists. It’s legit and these folks are amazing.
Pamela Haack
Pamela Haack
18 March 2023
This is a must-attend event for anyone who suffers from migraine! Finding a specialist who is both available and knowledgeable can be overwhelming, so this alone makes the expert talks and up-to-date resources shared in the Migraine World Summit simply priceless. The information shared by this stellar organization can be truly life changing. I highly recommend attending!
Sara Birnham
Sara Birnham
17 March 2023
The Migraine World Summit continues to be great. When able, I have been watching for years. Huge thank you to the organizers Paula& Carl who find these world experts year after year. What a great way to be educated about migraine. Also gratitude for their awareness of their audience..
Lauren M
Lauren M
12 March 2023
I watch the summit every year. Always great speakers, new ideas, and glad there are people out there who are researching this disease that can't be seen! Particulary interested this year in brain retraining, fascinating to learn more about how the brain responds to pain and how one can retrain the brain to handle pain differently.
meghann sherman
meghann sherman
12 March 2023
As someone with chronic migraines, the Migraine World Summit has become a yearly event I look forward to. The information provided by the experts and thoughtful questions by the presenters make this an invaluable learning experience. I feel more prepared to advocate myself and hopeful in my migraine treatment journey.
Natanya Mandel
Natanya Mandel
23 February 2023
Migraine World Summit completely changed my understanding of my migraine disease - for the better. It changed my ability to advocate for myself with my doctors and with my children's doctors, because I got to understand my own body better in terms of my chronic illness and the latest, most up to date research, treatments and information (and also that for my kids). Highly, highly recommended viewing, every year, for patients and treatment teams alike.
Andrea Hunter
Andrea Hunter
22 February 2023
I've been watching since 2020 and the summit gets better every year. I've gained so much new and valuable information for living with migraine.
Lorraine R
Lorraine R
5 May 2022
This world summit has given me so much information on how to live with my migraines. Plus it makes me realize I am not alone. Definitely worth it!!
Sandee Flannigan
Sandee Flannigan
28 March 2022
I’ve learned so much from Migraine world Summit over the last few years. I find each year more enlightening and has helped me navigate and understand my migraine issues. I’ve shared each yearly upcoming summit with my family and friends. We discuss our learning experiences daily and which speakers info related to us. To the Summits staff and speakers : thank you a million times over!
Kelly Hayes-Crook
Kelly Hayes-Crook
27 March 2022
Migraine World Summit has shared the opportunity to learn about migraine from the top medical professionals and researchers from around the world and to learn strategies from others with migraine. Armed with knowledge of new treatments, strategies and even different ways to view attacks and chronic symptoms, I can work with my treatment team from a position of empowerment and take an active and informed position in how I manage my life with a highly sensitive neurological system. Attacks and chronic symptoms have decreased and my life is considerably better thanks to Migraine World Summit.
ann newman
ann newman
26 March 2022
You give me hope. Thank you so much for all your efforts in coordinating this event which I’m sure has helped many, more than you’ll ever know.