Lee H.
March 22, 2022
Used for over 10 years Pros: We've used for over 10 years and during that time have grown online sales year on year. It is relatively straight forward to setup and maintain. Cons: Most customisation has to be done by a developer which means either through the support desk or as a separately quoted project. However, on most occasions when we've wanted to customise our store, for example to meet a specific customer requirement, we've found a way by working with Gob2b.
Lorraine A.
March 15, 2022
Effective and simple Overall: Great team, always quick to respond and never leave any issue unsolved Pros: we have a simple template but yet this is still very effective and provides our customers a simple platform to place orders and not overcomplicate Cons: Promotions can be quite tricky especially if running multiple ones at a time, would also like to show savings on checkout as a total
Louise D.
March 14, 2022
Unbelievable Service Overall: Extremely helpful, highly suggest working them. From the beginning of the project and throughout, they provided world class service and were on hand to answer any question, regardless of how tiny it was Pros: The software has been very easy to use and the team at B2B have been so helpful with training and taking time to ensure myself and the team know how to get the most out of the software Cons: I haven't encountered any additional aspects I would like to have included
Rob W.
March 11, 2022
A great company to deal with Overall: GoB2B's support has been excellent, and their integration works well. Pros: GoB2B integrates tightly with our Sage system, and is especially good at handling pricing. Other software options couldn't handle Sage's pricing system, which can be a little complex. We were able to use the import functionality of the CMS system to produce spreadsheets for importing product data, which saved on overall time an effort required. Cons: The CMS tool could be modernised somewhat, but I believe a re-vamp of this is in the works.
Bradley H.
March 8, 2022
A Great Service! Overall: The team at GOb2b are very helpful and will work quickly to resolve any requests or issues in a timely manner. Pros: Sage is easily integrated into the software when it comes to stock levels, stock prices, customer accounts, customer discounts, and generating fully processed orders as soon as they are placed online. Cons: It can be difficult to implement your own customisable features without contacting support.